Africa | Race | Body Shaming

African Men Body Shame Lupita Nyong’o After Break-Up With Black Lover & Dating White Man

Forgetting she’s an actress who recently went through heartbreak

TB Obwoge
4 min readMar 20, 2024


Wednesday, 20 March 2024

By: TB Obwoge

News broke recently of Nyong’o’s breakup with her Black African lover just over a month ago. Recently photos surfaced of her on a beach, with a White man identified as a South African.

The photos were spread on Kenyan social media pages like wildfire, however the comments were less than desirable. Lupita who was wearing a swimsuit, was quickly called out for being too thin. Thin specifically because she’s dating a white man, there were over 36 thousand emojis on one post, mostly laughing at the caption.

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With thousands of people making comments on her body, I’m almost positive that the actress has seen much of the social media backlash about her body. Not only about her body but for her choice of dating a white man shortly after breaking up with a Black African man.

Sadly many people don’t seem to care that her weight loss could be from a deep sense of loss from her relationship or for a new movie role. This again though is another example of the deep…



TB Obwoge

Check Me Out ( ) Writes About How About The News Mostly in African Countries | President of a Nonprofit