During My Surgery I Think I Had A Conversation With A Dead Former Classmate

TB Obwoge
3 min readFeb 5, 2022
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I had a lumpectomy I was put under what they called ‘conscious sedation’ instead of fully under which would’ve required me to be intubated, I was just placed on a C-pap machine. I had a portion of my breast removed, 2 milk ducts as well as my nipple. However when I was awaken by a nurse calling my name and simply saying “wake-up”! I asked was I talking when I was under, they all replied no, then I asked was I crying, again they many people helping me move from the operating table to the gurney replied, “No”! Yet I felt a tear streaming from my right eye which I wiped with my hand right in front of them. I can’t recall the entire conversation as a matter of fact I can’t recall any of it, I just know it was a woman, it was soothing, the conversation was comforting to me, I felt it. When I heard them telling me to wake up I didn’t want to leave the conversation, I think this is when I started crying, sadly I have to undergo the same surgery again in a few days, I’m scared to death!



TB Obwoge

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