Education | Bullying

Ghana’s SHS Bullying Culture Just The Beginning

I want to answers and I want honesty Ghana’s bully culture

TB Obwoge
6 min readSep 16, 2024


Monday, 16 September 2024

By: TB Obwoge

Here I will share my brief interview with a Ghanaian I will call ‘Bright’, he answered many of my questions about the issue of bullying in Ghana senior high schools termed ‘‘Homoing.”

I’ve been very vocal about how horrible my time living in Ghana has been, for the several years of writing about the othering, the colorism, the hatred, the scamming and the bullying, I have recieved so many threats from Ghanaians mostly.

The fact that they’re stalked me to find my social media platforms is no surprise. I’ve written about the several times that Ghanaians have ganged up and bullied other Africans on social media. Here you can read part I, of ‘Ghana the Culture of Bullying’, there is also a part II I will link later on in this article.

Photo Created by Author

Accra, Ghana — Via a WhatsApp conversation, I had a long conversation with a Ghanaian man about the bullying in Ghana. After living in the country, I couldn’t understand how so many self-proclaimed ‘politiest people of Africa’ think they’re behavior is polite.



TB Obwoge

Check Me Out ( ) Writes About How About The News Mostly in African Countries | President of a Nonprofit