Ghana | Colorism | Anti-Blackness

Michael Blackson’s Anti-Blackness | Anti-Woman | Anti-Black American & Rape Culture Mentality is practiced in Ghana as well

Comedians that spew hatred hiding under their career Blackson won’t get canceled unless he insults a Jewish person

TB Obwoge
5 min readJan 4, 2023


Wednesday, 4 January 2023

By: TB Obwoge

Where and when will people draw the line? I can hear people angry with me because God knows people love to laugh even at the expense of Black women and Black Africans.

WikiWikiSkylar, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Michael Blackson who made a career of acting like the buffoon African, with his horrible fake African accent where he sounds like no African this author has ever heard. Yet very few Africans take offense to his nonsense shenanigans.

One Kinoti Muthee from Kenya expressed his hatred for Blackson’s mockery of the African. He stated that the fact he doesn’t speak with an accent then makes the most outlandish & moronic voice is why Africans living in America get bullied. Muthee expressed his disappointment but living in Ghana you will rarely find a Ghanian that refuses to worship Blackson.



TB Obwoge

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