Africa | Women | Racism | Misogyny

Romeo &Juliet— Black Men & White Racists Again Come For Dark Skinned Black Women Once Again

Once again Black men are on trying to insult Black Women

TB Obwoge
3 min readApr 17, 2024


Wednesday, 17 April 2024

By: TB Obwoge

This is should be as no surprise to anyone, that Black men from African and American backgrounds have joined in to insult a Black woman. The fact that it keeps happening and more people aren’t coming out to defend Black women is also to be expected. These people don’t even care about being shamed at all.

Francesca Amewudah-Rivers is from Ghanaian and Nigerian parents, her mother is a Nigerian and her father is a Ghanaian. And this sexism, colorism and hatred is dripping with Ghanaians, Nigerians, Black American men and racists from Europe & America.

Photo created by author using Facebook screenshots

This is the hatred that I lived through in Ghana, no I am not dark skin, but still the dark skin slander in Ghana I refused to ignore. This is the shit that made me hate living in Ghana, their colorism and White Supremacy mentality is much like the United States and yes they’re Black Africans but their hatred aligns with that hatred of racists white conservatives in America.



TB Obwoge

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