Ghana | Black America | Travel

Still Considering Ghana? Black Americans Flood Social Media With Horror Stories

I knew that sooner or later it would happen

TB Obwoge
4 min readJun 14, 2024


Wednesday, 12 June 2024

By: TB Obwoge

For those of you who keep thinking that you’re Africans, African-American is a heritage, you are not African raised and thinking. You don’t sound, think or act like Africans either, no matter how much you think you do and there is nothing wrong with being a Black person from America, nothing!

There is a reason why Africans living in the United States don’t want to be associated with Black Americans, now the flood of Blacks to African countries are learning they don’t want you there either.

Ghana was capped up because I found out many that moved to Ghana got stuck in Ghana, they gave up all they had and turned into social media influencers. I was in a group of people who had all been scammed in Ghana, some for thousands of dollars.

When people started pointing out that they turned to pushing travel to Ghana in order to make money.

It gains you a lot of popularity with many Africans and it becomes a profitable way to remain living in Ghana, without trying to work for the small wages they pay Ghanaians.

Photo Created by Author in CANVA



TB Obwoge

Check Me Out ( ) Writes About How About The News Mostly in African Countries | President of a Nonprofit