Race | Ukraine | Racism

Ukrainian refugees complaining the UK has too many Muslims — Blacks and terrorists

TB Obwoge
4 min readJan 27, 2023

This is the most disgusting behavior I’ve ever heard, people helping and you insult them

Friday, 27 January 2023

By: TB Obwoge

In an interview with a British media outlet, British mother reports that she opened her home to a refugee. She then tells how the woman asked her how she felt safe living with so many people of different races. The Ukrainian refugee then said why are there so many Muslims here is this why terrorism is so high in this country?

Screenshot from TikTok

She also didn’t like that her child had to attend school with Black and Muslim children. Asking the mother how she could send her child to a school like that, with so many Muslims.

The refugee went onto say she checked a police website that claimed terrorism was high in the UK. That she apparently moved to the wrong area of Birmingham and it wasn’t safe for her family that is why she left the home. She never replied when the reporter asked her about her racism.

Here is a link to other Ukrainian refugees that are claiming Blacks and other races are terrorists. Saying that they’re scared to be around people who aren’t white essentially.



TB Obwoge

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